*After 4 or 6 initial monthly eye injections, your doctor will choose a schedule of 1 to 4 months. Dosing may vary.
*After 4 or 6 initial monthly eye injections, your doctor will choose a schedule of 1 to 4 months. Dosing may vary.
*After 4 or 6 initial monthly eye injections, your doctor will choose a schedule of 1 to 4 months based on patient response. Dosing may vary.
†In clinical trials of 1262 people on VABYSMO and 625 people on aflibercept 2 mg, people gained an average of 6 letters on an eye chart at 1 month for both treatments. On average, people gained 11 letters over 1 year and results with VABYSMO were maintained in the second year of treatment, similar to aflibercept 2 mg.
‡After 4 or 6 initial monthly eye injections, your doctor will choose a schedule of 1 to 4 months based on patient response. Dosing may vary.
§VABYSMO is thought to block the VEGF and Ang-2 proteins. The benefit of blocking Ang-2 has yet to be established.
Ang-2=angiopoietin-2; VEGF=vascular endothelial growth factor.
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